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Cute alpaca standing in field near renewable energy site

About Alpaca

Why we are, the way we are

Custom home concept with perfectly-placed solar panels

A quick bit about

Our Mission

Our mission at Alpaca is three-fold:

  • Bring transparency & fairness to the solar install process

  • Build technology to further enhance the solar-ownership experience

  • Enable a higher level of solar access & equality for renters through turn-key solar programs for their property owners & managers

A quick bit about

Our Team

We're founded by a team of technology and solar industry vets (and US military vets) that were frustrated with the lack of post-install customer service for solar customers, as well as the absence of solar equality for renters.

With this diverse set of backgrounds, we have been able to pioneer the next wave of solar, building a company that partners with our clients for the long haul, versus the industry norm of "sell & sayonara."

Slate and stucco homestead with black solar panels
Two adorable alpacas standing in a lush, healthy, and green field.

Giving Back

We believe in energy access for all. When you go solar with Alpaca, we adopt an alpaca from one of our partner Alpaca farming communities in the Andes Mountains, on your behalf.

Proceeds from each adoption go toward building solar-powered water wells, shelters, medicines, and improving food security for the farmers, the artisans, their communities and, of course, the alpacas themselves. 🦙

Ready to take a gander?

Click below to get a no-nonsense, sales-free renewable energy review for your property.

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